2010 Gildemeister GMC 20 ONE


Stock Number0264
ModelGMC 20 ONE
Serial Number8014030****
Country of originItaly
ControlSiemens 840D
Number of spindles6
Max bar diameter [mm]25
Spindle speed [rpm]6.000
Spindle motor [kW]9,1
Z - travel [mm]70 / 140
Total power requirement [kVA]98
Weight of the machine ca. [kg]9.800
Auto bar loaderCucchi Giovanni DBM.625


Gildemeister GMC20 ONE

Options / Accessories

  • 5 Cross-slides pos. 1;2;3;4;5
  • 2 Radial slides pos. 6 for cutting and rear-working operations
  • 1 C-axis for the pick up spindle
  • Pneumatic work-piece unloading chute for pos. 6
  • Work-piece conveyor belt
  • Swarf conveyor, worm type
  • 5x Frontal tool spindle, fix
  • Pick- up spindle in pos. 6
  • High pressure coolant device 70l / 50bar